Friday, March 16, 2012

The Ministry of the Paint

 Light Has Come | Isaiah 60:1
Waves of Hope | Hebrews 6:19

In January I began serving in the healing room painting what the Lord places on my heart as soft worship music plays and intercessors pray quietly over those who have come to receive healing. It is a powerful moving time of worship for me, and as I am learning through the process the paintings serve the ministers as well as those receiving ministry. 

This past week, I was working on a new type of painting for me. The canvas is filled with light shades of pink, blue, and bright fluorescent yellow. I placed a yellow orb in the center of all the colors and began to pain iridescent white mingled with the yellows and pinks over the background of soft colors. As I painted one of the intercessors came to me and said, "Michelle, as I was praying over there, I could see angels on either side of you and they were taking turns whispering in your ear...It is like downloading the things of God from the throne room for you to paint." She went on to say she saw them pushing each other aside saying, "It's my turn... It's my turn..." 

She said it was almost as if I could not contain what they were telling me. It was too much, and God said, "Slow down now, give her a chance to catch up." So she prayed that God would increase my capacity to contain what He is revealing to me and express it fully. 

The first time I painted, "Light Has Come" flooded the canvas. I painted dark edges to the painting and then a bright yellow broad across the remaining white space. I later added the grass and trees. Before I added the trees while I was still working on the dark to light sky at the top of the painting, my friend who is an intercessor came by and said, "I like the trees." 

She in fact referred to the darker border i had painted at the edge of the canvas. I shook my head. "There aren't any trees." She said, "Oh, well they look like trees to me."

As I painted I felt like God was chuckling up in heaven. He said, "There ARE Trees." 

I painted two trees. one on each side of the light. There are trees. :) 

Another week, I was painting dancers behind a small girl in leg braces who was praying. The dancers represented the girls prayers being answered and each of them was adorned in a color that was represented in the little girl's dress. I worked on it three weeks in the healing room. 

The second week, a woman in a scrubs came up and asked, "Why did you decide to paint that tonight?"

I told her that I had just seen a little girl praying and the dancers as an answer to her prayers. She went on to explain that the lady she had brought to the healing rooms was a dancer, though she was not crippled - her family had a generational issue with cancer. She said when she saw one of the dancers in the picture she knew it was her friend. As she continued, she gave an interpretation for her friend. She realized as the woman prayed that she would no longer be focused on what was wrong, but on God instead. 

On another occasion, as I painted "Waves of Hope" one of the intercessors came to me afterward and said that she kept praying for peace, and that they needed hope in the room, others have said they pray for the people who sit in front of the paintings to receive the message of the painting. 

I will post more of the ministry paintings as I complete them. They are available for sale after being included in a 2-3 month rotation on display at the ministry rooms. 

Leave me a comment or a email me if you find something you are interested in. 

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